Tri-State Antique Engine & Threshers Association
P.O. Box 9, 1375 County Road 29
Bird City, KS 67731
We are asking everyone that is bringing a piece of equipment to pre-register to help with the congestion at the gate. Please fill out the form below for each item you are bringing to display. For example, if you are bringing a tractor and manure spreader, please fill out 2 forms, 1 for the tractor and 1 for the manure spreader. When you arrive at the gate we will have a packet waiting for you. If you are operating or actively displaying your exhibit you will receive 2 – three day passes. The packet will also include the magnetic numbers for your equipment.
Please remember that all equipment needs to be on the grounds before the start of the show at 9:00 am Thursday, July 31st. There will be no non-show vehicles permitted through the gate or on the grounds during show hours.